Клип: Ser-J
Музыка: George Michael - The Grave
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The grave that they dug him had flowers
Gathered from the hillsides in bright summer colors,
And the brown earth bleached white at the edge of his gravestone.
He's gone.

When the wars of our nation did beckon,
A man barely twenty did answer the calling.
Proud of the trust that he placed in our nation,
He's gone,
But Eternity knows him, and it knows what we've done.

And the rain fell like pearls on the leaves of the flowers
Leaving brown, muddy clay where the earth had been dry.
And deep in the trench he waited for hours,
As he held to his rifle and prayed not to die.

But the silence of night was shattered by fire
As guns and grenades blasted sharp through the air.
And one after another his comrades were slaughtered.
In morgue of Marines, alone standing there.

He crouched ever lower, ever lower with fear.
"They can't let me die! The can't let me die here!
I'll cover myself with the mud and the earth.
I'll cover myself! I know I'm not brave!
The earth! the earth! the earth is my grave."

When the wars of our nation did beckon,
A man barely twenty did answer the calling.
Proud of the trust that he placed in our nation,
He's gone,
But Eternity knows him, and it knows what we've done.

Брака - вечный прислужник Скорпиуса. Остался верен ему даже под секс-давлением Грайзы. Вечный капитан Миротворцев. Он занял место Крайса, но ему никогда не подняться выше. Да и зачем? Брака – идеальный исполнитель. Он никогда не задает лишних вопросов. И не лишних тоже. Он вообще ни о чем не спрашивает. Он просто делает. Совершенный Миротворец. Подробнее...

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